I was talking to a dear friend last night about some stuff that God's been doing in our lives, and it really got me thinking about how doing something out of habit verses doing something intentionally can be very different things. This can apply to anything.
Out of habit.. Every single morning, my alarm goes off, I hit the 5 minute snooze button, reach over to the side of my bed, turn on my hair straightener, sleep for another four and a half minutes, and spend ten minutes straightening my hair (yes, I am so "gifted" in straightening my hair that I can do it sitting in bed, instead of going into the restroom. No mirrors necessary to turn my bed head into what everyone's used to seeing!).
Intentionally.. Sometimes, I plan to straighten my hair, I intentionally make sure I get every single kink out. I'll even look in a mirror, spot the "bad" spots, and focus on those areas.
I always feel better about my hair on intentional days instead of habitual days.. Even if, to the non-Kelsey eye.. You can't tell the difference.
That was a pretty shallow example..
Out of habit.. I meet up with friends throughout the week to grab coffee or get food. Nothing better to do, so we go do something random.
Intentionally.. Sometimes, we plan a time to get together. Compare schedules and find a block of time that works for each of us. Catch up on life. Talk a million miles a minute. Cram weeks of life into a two hour car ride.
I'm the queen of spontaneity, so I love the improv coffee dates.. But there's something special about knowing that you're going to be seeing someone, knowing that you're both planning a time to hang out. (I have two of these dates planned for next week with two of my favorites and I can't wait!)
And just because three examples are better than two..
Out of habit.. I read my Bible before I go to bed. Some people choose to start their morning with it.. I've always been a night time devo girl.
Intentionally.. I'll wake up early sometimes. Or I'll run to Starbucks during my lunch break and just soak up some extra time reading.
There's nothing wrong with having a schedule with reading your Bible, because for some people, if we don't have a set time (and if we're honest about it) it'll get lost in the busyness of the day.. But I love, love, love the times that I intentionally plan to throw in an extra or different time to spend time in the Word. It's just different. And because I know it's not my "normal" thing, I have a different attitude about it.
I've really been thinking about trusting God. Am I trusting because I'm supposed to and because it's "just what I've always done".. Or am I trusting God because I'm choosing to trust God. There's a pretty big difference when you think about it.
It makes me think of all the times at Camp Ronald McDonald or OCF-OCF that we did the "high ropes" course or the Courage Course. Before you got to tackle the big climbs, you always ran through a bunch of trust exercises with your cabin.
Standing on a pole three feet above the ground being told "Okay, fall backwards and the eight, 12 year old girls below are going to catch you!".. Climbing to the top of the poll, you think "Psh, this will be easy. It's only three feet if they drop me. Plus, I don't really have to go through with it.". But once you're up there, and you've actually chosen to place your arms across your chest and fall backwards.. That's choosing to trust your cabin. It's a leap (or fall) of faith.
Once you've gotten safely back on the ground.. You're glad you chose to trust them. You wonder why you ever doubted them. You've had an experience that you probably would have never had if you hadn't chosen to trust them. And, if you're anything like me.. You can't wait to do it again!
I get those same exact feelings when I've intentionally chosen to trust God about something.
There's been so many times when I'm going through something, and I decide to trust in me - cuz I know best for me, right? And oh goodness, do I get taught a lesson in humility. I'm thinking of getting a tattoo of "You are stupid. God is not. Don't trust the idiot.".. Or something like that.. Just to ingrain in my head and remind me over and over and over again that I'm just a dumb human who sins and doesn't know what she's doing.. And that He does. And that's all that matters.
The default "trust verse" sums it up quite nicely: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. - Proverbs 3:5-6
I don't think it really gets much clearer than that.
Must trust God. And trust Him intentionally.