I defriended somebody on Facebook.
People say things all the time that drive me crazy.
They post about how often they drink.
They post about how mad they are at someone and give information that we don't need.
They constantly post about how much they love the boyfriend they've been with for a week.
They cuss more than they use normal, civilized vocabulary.
When people drive me crazy, I use the lovely little "hide" button.
But this time, I just decided to delete the person. This isn't the first time that they've posted something that bothered me. And honestly, if we were "real" friends, and not just friends online because we once knew each other.. Then I probably would've stuck to hiding (or at least explained it to the person before deleting).
But I haven't talked to this person in.. Gosh.. 4 years? I don't think it's going to cause any problems. There should be no awkward fall out because of it. Unless this person secretly stalks my Facebook and realized that they no longer have access to view me..
This deletion is not because of their lack of faith in God.
It is not because of their sexuality.
It is not because of their partying habits.
I have a problem when you call my Savior what you called Him.
And the things posted below.
And I even read the article.
And it made my blood boil.
Quoting Luke 14:26 (If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple) as an example of Jesus telling His disciples to join in a gay lifestyle?
And of course, an article like this alludes to the David and Jonathan "relationship".
And even to Paul "being gay".
This is not me bashing homosexuals or passing judgement.
This is me having a problem with lies of Jesus being shared.
And lies about the Bible.
Context, personality, and an understanding of the culture in which the Bible was originally written is important to understand when trying to find inaccuracies in the Bible.
Or trying to change Truth.
Or trying to make the Bible fit your choices, instead of changing your life to being a believer.
The Bible doesn't change. You can, though.